7/24/2004 08:49:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Okay, so it's been a few months since I've written anything. I've been pretty busy. Work keeps me at a frantic pace, plus school and home. What's a girl to do? I'm still mad at myself that whilst I was so busy, Tom Robbins wrote a book without me realizing it. What a spaz. So, anywhoo, I've been reading his newest offering, Villa Incognito. I am but a few chapters in so no major opinions yet. I do like the use of the Tanuki as a character. Nice work, Tom. I have only one week left in my Stats class. It's gone by so quickly. I am starting to get super nervous about this fall semester. It's going to be crazy!! I think I will definitely have to cut back on work for the fall. I'm excited to be delving headfirst into Wildlife Biology. It's so fun to learn new and interesting info. This summer I have been helping a Grad student with his master thesis research. We set out traps in the outskirts of corn fields and check them for mice, rats or squirrels. We then weigh, measure and gather vital stats about them. It's been good to get some hands on experience. What I would really love would be to get a co-op position with Fish & Game. That would be the shiznit. I need to get my foot in the government door somehow. I'm kinda tired. I've started jogging, but have gotten behind due to my terrible sunburn. I went today and I felt so out of shape. Definitely need to get back on track. I miss it. Miss Sierra is doing much better now. The antibiotics have kicked the disease in the ass. She's actually putting on weight again and looking great. Now we just need to work on obedience!! She's chewing up everything. Well, I have two tests coming up and really need to get to studying. Hasta Lasagne. Tao |W|P|109072442582061948|W|P||W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com