6/30/2005 10:17:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Long Time, No Write Yeah, I know, but I have been incredibly busy. I have had so much going on with school and work that I have scarcely had time to brush my hair. Wait a minute, I don't brush my hair! I think that says it all. Work has been great. The weather has been so accommodating and mild, making my job about 1000% easier than it could be. I couldn't imagine humping those packs full of traps around in full sun and 90 degree weather! My co-workers like to joke that I don't have to imagine, I'll experience it soon enough. Oh, goody. The last trapping session was the best yet, I think. I really honed my animal processing skills and have gotten pretty damn fast at it. (Faster than my boss sometimes!) On our moderate grid we had this flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) that we caught on four occasions. I got to handle her on one of the times and it was awesome! She has these cool flaps that go between her fore and hind legs and a tail that acts as a rudder. She was very docile (which I gather is quite unlike most flying squirrels that are trapped) and a breeze to handle. What was best was releasing her on a tree and watching her glide! Man, it made my day. Another item of interest was chasing a badger (Taxidea taxus) we encountered on one of the logging roads one day. I spotted it, we all jumped out of the truck, and proceeded to chase the poor badger like our lives depended on it. What we were trying to do was encircle it so that it would stop and we could get a better look at him. What we succeeded in doing was scaring the bejeezus out of the poor dude. It was my first badger siting in the wild, so I was stoked, albeit with a hefty side of guilt. Next time I won't harass the badger, I PROMISE. So I am still eating quite healthy foods and of course getting plenty of exercise at work. My Mom and Step-Dad both have proclaimed that I have lost weight, but I have still not stepped on a scale, so I don't know. When I look at myself, I feel like I look the same. Some of my clothes feel looser, some do not. I'll just continue to kick ass at work and try to keep eating well. What more can I do? Don't even think I am going to go jogging after working a ten hour day of mammal trapping, etc. Not gonna happen, I ger-un-tee it. Financial situation sucks right now. I have feeling like I am on the edge of financial ruin. It's gross and just about the most stressful part of my life right now. I have been "officially" removed from my summer classes until I pony up tuition. That kinds of puts a damper on the old spirits. My only hope is that they will feel sorry for me, take my late payments and let me back into the classes. I really need to get them done. Otherwise, I have a 485 dollar phone bill that says disconnect on it, all my utilities are overdue and my cell phone is dangerously close to being cut off. How is that I am working at my highest paying job yet and in one of my biggest financial strains to date? Funny how these things work. I am tired. It was so great to see my kids today. Gabriel has hugged me about 5,000 times today. He just kept coming up to me and saying, "I need a hug, Mommy." Talk about warming your heart! I've had a great day with them. Just tiring, is all. I still have a lot of school work to get done on this break (I am counting on them readmitting me into those classes) so that I can get ahead before the next break. So, I am not sure what this break has in store besides just hanging out, spending time with my kids and nephews, and doing school work. I really want to take all the kids to the Drive-In while I'm here. I think all kids need to go to the Drive-In at least once in their childhood. How fortunate am I that I was raised in a city with not one, but two operating Drive-In theatres? Pretty damned lucky, I'd say. Some of my best memories come from the drive-in. I want my kids and nephews to have some of those too. Well, I am mighty tired, y'all. Sorry I have been so out of touch. I can't promise any regular sort of correspondence, but I will do my best. Tao|W|P|112019318699047644|W|P|Updates|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/19/2005 04:51:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|I went and looked in the mirror today to answer a question that has been rolling around in my head, "Do I look as sad as I feel?" Happy Fathers Day to all you other Father-less people. I lost the Leatherman that I inherited from my Dad. Best damn tool there is and I lose it. I went out looking for it today but I couldn't find it. I just kept getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and lost in the woods. Some days it feels like you are so low that you know you must be near the bottom. I feel pretty darn near the bottom right now. There is a huge thunderstorm happening right now. It feels appropriate. Tao P.S. Either I am allergic to something or mosquitoes are eating me in my sleep. I am covered, head to toe, with itchy bumps. :-(|W|P|111922163620851961|W|P|Sad|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/18/2005 04:50:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|My roommate, Rob, and I had a very good conversation last night about what it means to be a hypocritical American. We both have lofty ideals of helping third world countries and trying to change things for the better. Unfortunately, we both live in America, which sets probably the worst example for change. Still, it would be nice to be able to see some change in this country... I have been slaving away on my break to stay afloat in my 3 online classes. I wrote 4 papers yesterday and I have 3 more to write today. Thus, I am a little bit sick of writing. I'm sorry that my blog has been neglected, but a girl has to prioritize. July should be better, y'all. Things are going well otherwise. My skin is really clearing up, I don't know if I've lost weight, but my clothes are certainly looser fitting now and I am still eating more veggies than fruit. I have branched out in my apple selection, however. Instead of choosing Granny Smiths solely, I have been buying a lot of Pink Ladys and Braeburns as well. Go me. You know, baby steps. The weather is strange, but that is central Oregon for you. It spent half the day raining yesterday with the other half being occupied by beautiful sunny skies. The clouds and the sun were on about a 15 minute circuit, mind you. No large chunks of either, i.e. no plans that could be made. Looks sunny here so far. We'll see how that holds up. Back to my studies I go... Tao|W|P|111922150931848468|W|P|The World at Large|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/08/2005 07:23:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Quick-n-Dirty Back at work now and my back now hurts. Things are going pretty well. I spent all day yesterday working on my online courses and then I set up a bank account at Wells Fargo in Bend. We just set up traps today, in other words, no opening presents (critters). Tomorrow we will go back to processing animals. We're on a new grid now for this session so maybe we'll get a little difference species composition. I'm feeling pretty good. Still eating my veggies. I'm going to eat more asparagus tonight with my spaghetti (with onions and mushrooms)! Who am I?! It feels good to evolve. I ate my first red (well, it was a Pink Lady) apple today in like 6 years. I always thought they (red apples) were too mushy and sweet. This pink lady rocked my world (well, lunch hour, any ways). I am so glad I am finally trying new foods. Every day can be an adventure, eh? School and work have my head spinning. It's amazing I have time to think of anything else. I went owling last night but saw no owls, only bats. Oh, yeah, we were schooled on setting up "Anabat II Systems" today at work. We had a joint session with Becca and Rob (the birders) and with my bosses boss, John. Nice dude. So, I'm not sure when we will start collecting bat data, but it should be interesting and fun. Man, I can't wait to get paid! I really would like to pay off my credit cards and start looking at a bike to purchase. Amanda, my favorite cookies are oatmeal raisin and I have access to a CD player. I'm sorry I have no time to reply to your email, but I will eventually. Suffice it to say that I will do everything in my power to hang out with you and your fam at Ft. Bragg. I am sure to have a break sometime in your window of camping time. I will get back to you on specifics. Otherwise, get some rest!!! Have a good night, all. I am going to go home, eat and hook up the hot pad... Tao P.S. I am not one to insult animals, but we were stopped by two of the dumbest mule deer I have ever encountered. They sat in the road and stared at us like a couple of cows would do. Jeez!|W|P|111828440421802088|W|P|Quick n Dirty|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/07/2005 12:07:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Foiled Again Ahhhh! Not much time to write. These online classes have my head spinning; especially my communications class. How is it that I already feel behind in that class when I have only just begun? I saw a Great-horned owl today in a Ponderosa pine by the house. That is my first time seeing one in the daylight. My hiking plans were thwarted by the weather (it snowed) and by my online assignments (I had to write 3 papers yesterday). At least I was able to go on two hikes during the break. I have gone back to jogging. No, it's not my favorite thing to do, but as long as I am not working or hiking, I need to be doing some form of cardio; so jogging it is. I might add that it is a lot more pleasant to job here in the woods than it is pounding the pavement back home. Makes it a bit easier to do, any how. Work was cancelled today due to weather and Anabat issues. We start tomorrow for our eight day session. That's the news for now, y'all. Tao|W|P|111817148465777727|W|P|School, exercise, etc.|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/05/2005 01:13:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|State of the Jenny address Yesterday I took a 7 mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail to Rosary Lakes and back. I got to the trailhead, realized that I had forgotten my boots at the bunkhouse, so decided to hike in my Tevas. I knew the consequences before I started; I always get blisters on the balls of my feet when I hike in Tevas. I bandaged those areas of my feet before I started hiking, but, alas, I still developed painful blood blisters on both feet. When I got to the Lakes, I ran into two rather unfriendly groups who had backpacked in (all males). I called a friendly, "Hello" and threw a wave to each group and was rewarded with a glum, "Hi" in return. Whatever. I settled on the middle lake to read my textbook for awhile and get some sun on my poor, white, legs. While I was studying, I heard an eagle's cry in the air and looked up to see two bald eagles cruising on thermals above the lake. It's was awesome. I was also accompanied by the croaks of frogs on a small pond off of the lake. All in all, a very nice and peaceful place to chill or study. Very secluded and serene in general. By the time I was ready to leave, I knew my feet were trashed. It was easier (less painful) for me to jog instead of hike, so I did just that. It took me an hour to reach the lakes hiking and 35 minutes to return by jogging. When I got home, I doctored my poor feet and made dinner (pasta and sauteed veggies). My feet are feeling much better today. I hope they are prepared to go hiking tomorrow and go back to work on Tuesday. I am definitely feeling much better now that I have been more active and eating better foods. I have cut out 90 of foods with preservatives out of my diet and started eating more organically grown (or raised) products. My skin is clearing up nicely, so I have a tendency to connect that with my change in diet and exercise. Otherwise: Now for a couple of dreams to share as well as a lengthy discussion of my current political feelings... First dream: My mom was telling us that we would be late for school and that she was going to get the van ready. (We were living in my Granny's old house.) I had an idea that I could get my car ready before the van and that it would save us some time. So, while my Mom was turning the van around my Irving Junior High (in Pocatello, ID), I turned my car around on the sidewalk down the street, accidentally running over some grass at this house. This lady runs out of the house, which turns out to be a private, Catholic, school, and tells me to get inside, pronto. When I go in, I am told that I will have to fill out all of these forms, which were on t-shirts, and then see the principal. I started filling out the forms, which were pretty generic, calling myself Jennie Robinson, of Lubbock, Texas. These young, nice, church ladies really felt that I was troubled and were trying to figure out how to help me. I insisted that I was just trying to turn the car around because I didn't want to be late for school. I kept trying to think of a way to escape, for I really felt that my life was in danger for some reason. My mom finally shows up at the school to see what has happened to me. She talked to the church ladies and convinced them that I was a good kid and that I deserved to go home. They relented and released me to my Mom. My interpretation? I have no idea. I seem to have a lot of dreams where I live in former residences or relatives houses. I also seem to have a lot of dreams where my integrity comes into question, i.e. am I good or bad? It comes as no surprise to me that I would have a dream combining the two; I have had many in the past. Next dream: I was the ex-wife of Tom Cruise. He had custody of our two kids plus he had 3 other kids. He came to my house to cry on my shoulder about how hard it was to raise all of these kids alone. I consoled him the best that I could, but was secretly glad that he was struggling because he did have custody of my kids. However, there was a part of me that felt genuinely sorry for him and wanted to help. I offered to take the kids for awhile and he was grateful to me. We went outside on my front porch and he hugged me for a long time. He then tried to kiss me, but I resisted (only in a dream, y'all) because I was remarried and I didn't want to hurt my WIFE. Yes, I was now a lesbian. Tom left and I reassured my wife that nothing was wrong. My interpretation? I have a copy of People magazine on the floor next to my bed with Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise on the cover. Also, I have been reading about SB1000 here in Oregon, a bill that would grant civil unions and the rights entailed to same sex couples. It seems like every day it is in the news here. Massachusetts must have been the same way when they were going through this. Oregon is a pretty liberal state for the most part, but this issue has really divided the state, even pitting democrat against democrat. What I find interesting is that people are finally coming to terms with the fact that religion and state are supposed to be kept separate. They are starting to understand that laws are not supposed to be based on God's laws, i.e. the Bible. ---------------------------- I find myself wanting to be more politically active, to raise my voice a bit more on things that I care about. I read an article in Mother Jones about Global Warming that angered me to the boiling point. I just don't understand how a handful of shady scientists and news makers can cast doubt in the minds of millions of Americans as to the legitimacy of Global Warming. Hundreds of scientists have done thousands of studies and case studies that all say the same thing: Humans are impacting global climate by way of increased carbon dioxide emissions. Why do people want to believe the word of the few (who are all funded by ExxonMobile!) instead of the many (who are nonpartisan researchers)? How is it that the Bush administration is able to get away with casting out capable scientists because they accept that Global Warming is real? Why don't more people care about the oil crisis this country is going through? Speaking of oil- drilling at ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) is probably the worst out of a long history of bad ideas dreamed up by the current administration. I can very much understand wanting to lessen our dependency on Foreign oil. How about lessening our dependency on oil, period? Studies have shown that the oil and natural gas in ANWR would be capable of supporting our gas-guzzling lifestyles for six months, maximum. That is, however, if we could get it out in one chunk, which we can't. Global warming has already warmed temperatures in the Arctic significantly, such that drilling can only take place 100 days out of the year as opposed to the historic 200 days per year. Native peoples are moving away from the coastlines because they can already see the writing on the wall- that sea levels will raise as calving of ice continues on arctic and Antarctic glaciers. As if they needed other signs, structures built on permafrost are beginning to sink into the ground due to melting. Please don't get me started on WILDLIFE issues. Polar bears, Walruses and Penguins are but a few species who are at risk of extinction because of shrinking ice; they are simply running out of habitat to live on. Animals are now showing up in areas that previously were out of the question due to climatological constraints. As the Earth continues to warm, more and more organisms are going to be displaced as they can no longer tolerate their historic ranges. What of plants who can't get up and move? I feel an uncertain future for vegetation. I really don't know of they will be more tolerant of changing climates and increased CO2. Could you imagine, just for a moment, going to Northern California and not seeing Redwood trees? Or going to the Everglades only to find it dried out and parched? Why should we allow these things to happen? Why must people sit on their duffs and let spin doctors shape their perceptions of reality instead of researching it themselves to discover the truth? I have come to have an extreme distrust of television media. It is too controlled by government, too controlled by advertisers and too subjective. I am now relying on reputable newspapers and NPR to give me the news each day. Tao|W|P|111800321886403819|W|P|Global Warming|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/03/2005 10:51:00 AM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Dreams and Such Here are a couple of more strange dreams that I have had recently: 06/01/05 I dreamed about being a bad girl in church. We were at a joint session of YM/YW in a Mormon church in Lubbock, TX. However, the church was the one my in-laws belonged to and they're Catholic. We were getting seated for the session in a huge choir loft that looked over the church. I saw all around my all of the familiar faces from my young adulthood. That is, people from A.H. Bush Elementary and Eagle Rock Junior High. Who did I sit next to? None other than my biggest crush from the time, Jack Klein. (His name was now Jack White, as in The White Stripes, but it was definitely the same guy.) He was about 25 but had retained those baby-faced qualities that were a dead giveaway as to his identity. Although YM/YW (Young mens/Young womens, for you non-Mormons) is designed for people aged 12-18, all of us in my dream attendance were at least 20 years old. It was strange, but, in my dream, I went with the flow. We were gathered around talking to each other when, suddenly, the group turned on me and accused me of heathen-esque behaviours. Meanwhile, they are all lighting up cigarettes... I yelled at them, "Wait a minute, here you are accusing me of being a heathen and you are all smoking! Mormon's aren't allowed to smoke!" However just my intentions were, I was still cast out of the session. I then began working on some plumbing device for my Mother. I detected an air of urgency in its repair because she was crying. Then I woke up. 06/03/05 The first part of my dream: I was at Jennie's parent's house and the mood was somber. Their house was going to be foreclosed. I was there for awhile when Whitney Houston shows up at the house. She was my husband's ex-wife and so I was not happy to see her. My husband let her drive away in my brand new mini-van (with a trailer attached filled with my possessions) and left us all without a vehicle. I kept yelling at him, "Why did you do that? Why did you let her take the mini-van?" He could not give a good response. The second part of my dream: I lived at the house in Osgood and I was expecting my step-son to come and visit us for awhile. The kids were really excited that he was coming and they were getting the house ready for his arrival. (Being that it was a dream, the house was MUCH different than the house I actually grew up iatin Osgood.) I walked to the school yard to meet Robbie and Patrick. I could tell Robbie was pregnant and I said, "Robbie, are you pregnant?" She said, "Yes, 2 months. Patrick has some girl pregnant, too." I was freaking out because he was only 10 years old. I said, "How could that happen?" She said, "Well, he's 15 now, so, you know..." End of dream. I wonder how long all of this weird dream stuff is going tcontinueue. Amy is having strange dreams as well, so it may just be something in the bunkhouse. I figured maybe it was restricted to the upstairs, but Tom isn't having strange dreams, so who knows? The hike yesterday was unbelievably beautiful. A description of the flora would include: Douglas firs, Ponderosa pine, Western hemlock, Lodgepole pine, and true firs of some sort. There was also a lush understory that included manzanita, Dogwood and wild strawberry. Very pretty. I hiked along many, small, unnamed lakes as well as a couple of medium-sized, named, lakes. The terrain was pretty flat, hence the speedy trip. Overall, I found it very rewarding and I am so glad that I went. My right shin is protesting another hike right now. I am wanting to do a hike over by Odell lake a little south of here by the Willamette pass. I may have to hold off until Sunday so that my shin can recover a bit more. I don't want to seriously injure myself. Other than that, mind, body, and spirit are all up for another hike. I am so proud of myself. Why? Because in the past week I have ate morels, parsnips, onions and asparagus (and enjoyed them), all traditionally foods I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. I have been inspired by my oh-so-healthy housemates to start eating more vegetables and fruits. Why didn't I like those things before? I don't know. I still wouldn't eat any of them raw, that's for sure. Cooked properly, however, they were all fabulous tasting. I plan on continuing this experimental tasting phase and hopefully I'll come away from this venture with an arsenal of new veggies to enjoy. I am definitely getting into the whole healthy lifestyle thing. I guess that happens when you live with people who talk about preservative buildup and FDA pushovers at dinner each night. I can't help but want to eat better foods. I am feeling better in general thanks to a more active lifestyle. I am nowhere near a scale, so I have no idea if I have lost weight....I just FEEL better. That's about it for now. Later, gators. Tao|W|P|111782211003063818|W|P|Dreams and Such|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/02/2005 05:46:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|I hiked 15 miles today. From Cultus Lake to Winapoo Lake and back. In five hours. I rock. Of course, I am going to be totally sore tomorrow. I went waaaaaaaay over my monthly minutes on my cell phone this month and have an ugly 150.00 bill to pay. Bummer. Looks like I better keep my conversations short and sweet from here on out. Tomorrow is going to be my text book reading day (fuuuun). That's it. Peace out, hos. Tao|W|P|111775615993098163|W|P||W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com6/01/2005 12:42:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Here is that post I've been meaning to upload... I just finished a delicious dinner of chicken Fajitas. I'm alone in the bunkhouse tonight. Everyone else is out of town for the weekend. I spent the day shopping in Bend and in La Pine. I got this amazing 10 disc collection of classical music for 15 bucks at Goodwill (perfect condition). Talk about stoked! That would have retailed for at least 60-70 bucks. So that was my big splurge for the weekend. Everything else I bought was necessary house and work stuff. I also went grocery shopping so that I might eat something other than peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and granola bars. My mouth is still thanking me for grocery shopping today. So, my first post after arriving in Oregon... What do I think? Well, let me start with the bunkhouse. It immediately invoked passages of Norman Maclean's "A River Runs through It and other tales." Specifically, the "other tales" come to mind. He wrote about his days as a Forest Service employee and the bunkhouse he shared with other lumberjacks. Our bunkhouse is good sized, with: A great room containing a living area (a couch, many chairs, 3 tables, a wood burning stove) with a kitchen that is almost fully functional but lacks cupboard space and a functioning oven. We do have a stove, however, and a microwave, so we just have to cut out cake baking as summer activities, darn. [Update: after cleaning up the mouse turds in the oven, it now works fine.] Also downstairs is a bedroom (shared by Rob and Becca- the birders) and our bathroom. Let me just give a quick description of the bathroom. It's pretty large, painted sea-foam green with white toilet stalls, and has a concrete floor. (The rest of the house is hardwood floors and real wood paneling.) There are 2 toilet stalls with swinging, but not locking, doors, a shower stall on a platform of slatted wood and a huge concrete sink in the middle of the room with, like, 10 faucets and a drinking fountain on it. Pretty weird looking. There is a stack of about 3 National Geographics on the back of each toilet. Not my doing, but definitely appreciated by yours truly. If it weren't for time spent on the toilet, my National Geographic magazines would never be read by me. Upstairs is a large, communal bunk room. It is divided into 3 wings, of which Amy, Tom and myself each inhabit. There are two beds in my wing, one that I sleep on and one that I put all my junk on. (i.e. a makeshift desk) I have an electrical outlet by my bed so that I can plug in my alarm clock, cell phone, lap top and heating pad. Finally, this place also has a basement filled with extra toilet paper and many closets. Outside our bunkhouse is two other bunkhouses and two garages a little down the road. Directly outside is a Ponderosa pine forest and the Deschutes river (Pringle Falls). How lucky am I that I get to wake up in the morning and watch the rapids on the Deschutes out my window? Pretty lucky, y'all. This area of Oregon is unlike any other I have seen. That includes time spent on the other side of the Cascades in Oregon and Washington. Because this area has been decimated by forest fires, clear cutting, and tree diseases, the forest is weird and uneven. In some areas, it has been thinned dramatically, in others there are very few tall trees and tons of younger trees. Funny, while we were working around Davis lake, I looked up at the neighboring cinder cone and noticed that it looked like a patchwork quilt. Some tall, dark green, areas mixed with blocks of shorter, brighter green areas. Obviously the work of clear cutting. Yuck. I know that it is now called uneven-aged harvest or some crap like that, but it is what it is- clear cutting. It's strange how the forest changes within a mile from thinned out, to lush and pristine. When you drive on the Cascade Lakes Highway (as I do on my way to work), you are graced with some absolutely beautiful, pristine forests. On Highway 97 between Bend and La Pine, you don't have as much of that. It's almost solid Ponderosa pine with some Doug fir. Anyways, the work site is ROUGH. We are working in three types of areas: one with heavy surplus logging, one with moderate and a control with no logging. Mind you, all of it is BURNED. One hundred percent canopy kill. The entire area is on a cinder cone with varying degrees of slope. The areas with heavy surplus logging are insane. There are downed trees and branches dragged everywhere, rarely any clear, solid ground. In other words, it is very scary and treacherous to walk through. The moderately logged areas are a bit clearer, but the terrain is much steeper. The control is SO much easier to walk through, but has the steepest terrain of all. Oh wait, I forgot to mention that I am walking through that with a modified back pack, with a wooden box attached to it, carrying 18 Tomahawk live traps! Silly me. One misstep and disaster! Yeah, you're jealous, aren't you! I got to do that after about five hours of prepping traps, making my first day at work a 11.5 hour day. My hands are really all that is sore right now (it was the trap prepping). My co-workers, Tom (the boss) and Amy are really nice, easy going and have worked with each other for the past year and a half. I'm the new guy, but it's cool. They have been very helpful and accommodating. When I was kicking ass on the trap prep, Tom said that OSU should be paying me twice what they are. Everyone has been cool so far, clean, respectful and all that jazz. More later on everyone. Right now I am tired, ready to hit the hay. End Post. I wrote my dream from last night down this morning but forgot to breing it with me. It was another strange one, to be sure. I just don't get all these strange dreams. I will attempt to post them as I am able. Today is laundry day; I have SO much dirty laundry. I used an entire bottle of Spray-n-Wash yesterday on my work clothes. I have the feeling I am going to need to go and buy two more packages of mens Hanes undershirts for the next trapping session. The soot pattern on my t-shirts looks like two eyes and a non-smiling mouth. You can guess why, I am sure. One thing is certain, if they don't come clean, I am so not wearing them again. It's like advertising boobs and belly. Gross. Tao|W|P|111765140163524951|W|P|Back Blog|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com