10/30/2005 08:48:00 AM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|It's been forever and a day since... ...I've been able to post to my blog. ...I've had a moment in my day that I wasn't panicking about something. ...I've been able to just "hang out" with friends. Studying with them doesn't count. ...recreation played into my weekly schedule. ...a hot bath with a novel could be planned on a Sunday. ...I didn't get a creepy, panicked feeling on Monday about something I forgot to do on the weekend (homework, study, etc.). ...I've spent quality time with my kids. ...my office was clean and organized (I'm down to about 1 square decimeter of visible surface area on my desk). ...I've been able to practice the fiddle. ...My brain felt at ease. (As opposed to aching due to being overstuffed without any release of unnecessary knowledge.) ...I could find at least one upcoming week where there were no tests, projects, or other academic responsibilities to worry about. Now that there is grad school in my future, any spare moment (rare, I assure you) means studying for the GRE. ...I have been able to run, swim, or bike. ...I have felt feminine. When did I become a boy with boobs? ...I had hands free of inked-on notes to myself. ...I was able to enjoy October (which you may recognize as my favorite month!). ...had a single day where I could do whatever I wanted. Okay, that's enough. Complain, complain, complain, eh? Sorry, I really had to get it out of my system. I have been under an extraordinary amount of stress lately. It is perfectly honest to say that this has been the hardest semester I have ever had at school. My stomach is under constant duress, my mind hurts, and it has ceased to be fun. Literally the only class I truly enjoy is Mammalogy. All of the other right now are a pain in the ass. I can only hope to make it through the semester unscathed (well, mostly), by which I mean my GPA staying at its current level. Honestly, I am most worried about Stats II kicking my ass. In class, I feel pretty good; I get it. I go home or to the library and do my homework and I'm, like, "Wha..?" I have two tests this week, two tests next week, a project to finish, and the GRE to prepare for. I feel like I am drowning...anyone have some water wings? Tao|W|P|113068841923983273|W|P|Forever and a day|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com10/20/2005 06:11:00 AM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|The Reign of Uncle Jenny continues.... When my oldest nephew was but a bun in the oven, I began calling myself, "Uncle Jenny," as a joke. Honestly, it was mostly to annoy my sister, but I thought it had a ring to it. When he was born, I continued calling myself Uncle Jenny, much to my sister's chagrin. I stopped after awhile, but would slip occasionally and refer to myself as Uncle Jenny. Indeed, my oldest nephew does, at times, call me Uncle Jenny (much to my extreme pleasure). When my second nephew was born, I reincarnated Uncle Jenny for a brief time, but it quickly faded as I moved 1200 miles away from home. So, what? My sister delivered her third son yesterday!! 7 lbs., 8 ozs., and how tall? I really don't know, but I bet he's ridiculously good looking. :-) I don't know what they've named him, but I hope they go with Austin (one of the names they were considering). Any how, the rein of Uncle Jenny continues. Tee hee. Let's hope the good news continues as I prepare to take my 2nd exam in Plant Systematics this morning. Yikes. Knock on wood for me, y'all. Tao|W|P|112981075578286938|W|P|Uncle Jenny|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com10/19/2005 10:35:00 AM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Casual Observations in Ichthyology Today, I made some casual observations in my Ichthy class. I noticed that 8 out of 18 students are Hispanic, 9 are Caucasian and 1 is African American. Also, 4 out of 18 are female, 14 out of 18, male. Besides demographics, I observed a behavioural phenomenon that was occuring. That would be the incidence of leg shaking/twitching and foot tapping going on during lecture. I observed a total of 8 ls/t and fts out of 18 students; 3 of which were habitual and demonstrated the behaviour through the majority of the class. The remainder would ls/t and ft intermittantly throughout the lecture. Why am I only noticing this now? Tao P.S. Still no new nephew yet....|W|P|112974013440248898|W|P|Casual observations in Ichthyology|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com10/16/2005 07:00:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|Happy Belated Birthday to Me!! 28 years old! Woo doggy! Gettin' up there in the years. Getting' a little long in the tooth, if ya catch my drift. Just kidding, y'all. I know I am still a spring chicken! So, while I am listening to a Prairie Home Companion (if you don't listen, you SHOULD), I shall write to you about my "special day." Sorry, I almost gagged on the word, "special." Brought back some weird, church lady, memories from my childhood. The day started out great. Holly picked me up (her carpool week) and gave me two presents: a fantastic bottle of Spanish wine (Tempranillo- delicious!) and a Hasting's gift card (which I used to purchase two Kaplan guides- one for the GRE general test & one for the GRE Biology test), as well as a very funny card. Went to school as usual, Mammalogy was cancelled, bummer, Stats didn't suck too much (I got an 88 on my test), but the best part was that Dr. Keller forgave me (and Holly and Brady). I'll have to inform you about that mess when I finally finish my field trip post. It feels good to be back on Dr. Keller's good side. After Monday's tongue lashing...wow. Okay, so in Ichthy we had to draw more fish; surprise, surprise. It actually went by faster than usual, so I was still in high spirits. Holly took me home where I had more presents awaiting me. From my dear friend, Amanda, I was lucky enough to receive three incredible field guides to Pacific coast trees, birds, and mammals, a stained glass snail to hang in my window, a beautiful wine glass, and my "dress Tevas" back. *L* Amanda, thanks, sis. You always know what makes me happy. :-) From Mom and Carl I received a "mobile" music stand and Mary Kay under-eye cream. Thanks, guys!! My replacement cell phone arrived in the mail as well. Just in the nick of time. My old phone was literally hanging on by a thread. It was like trying to talk into slinky or something. I'm really happy with my replacement phone; already got my "frogs" ring tone back on there. :-) We went out to eat at Applebees and I had their tasty lime chicken; always a Jenny-pleaser. Afterwards, we watched a movie and I had some of the yummy wine Holly gave me out of the glass A gave me. It was a good day to celebrate a phenomenal year. Otherwise, I am hot on the pursuit of a grad school professor to work with. I have a very promising choice at none other than the University of Idaho. In addition, I am still eyeballing profs at University of Washington, UC Davis, Penn State, and Northern Illinois University. So, I am studying like mad trying to get ready for the GRE, keep up in my classes, etc. However, I am very excited about the possibilities that my future holds. Am I crazy for wanting to go to grad school right after undergrad studies? Perhaps. I feel that it is necessary, however. Not only that, I am excited about it! I'd love to sit and write about all that has been going down, but I am studying for my Plant Systematics lab test tomorrow. Or trying to, any ways. Tao P.S. My sister is going to have that baby at any time now....why don'cha listen to "Dakota" by Sterophonics in anticipation?|W|P|112951293615826714|W|P|Happy Post Birthday to me|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com10/05/2005 06:39:00 AM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|I'm a Loser, Baby..... Sorry I have neglected you, readers. The past couple of weeks have been exceedingly stressful, I promise. I am almost positive at this point that I have ulcers. My life seems to get disheveled and more chaotic by the day. If it weren't for blessed regularity of the morning cup of Joe....I would be completely lost. So I volunteered to be the Den Leader for my son's Bear pack. What a loser. Surely I am aware that I am already drowning in responsibility and have no time for extracurricular activities? Why did I do it? Jeez, I felt like it would be cool to teach some 8-9 year old boys about Mother Nature. Give me a break. Once a nature geek, always a nature geek. I will simply have to find the time. I'm desperately worried about my Statistics exam on Monday. I have a field trip this Friday and Saturday (mammal trapping in the Manzano Mountains) which doesn't exactly afford me a whole lot of studying time. I already feel like I am sinking perilously in that class. Anyone have some water wings? So I have a test in Soils tomorrow and also I am the discussion leader for this week's primary literature dissection in Ichtyology. Gross. Double gross. The way I see it, though, once it's over, it's over. One less thing to fret about for the rest of the semester. I have my two herbarium specimens in the plant press drying as I type. That is the big hoorah in my Plant Systematics lab. Again, one less thing to fret about. I have to find primary literature for Plant Sys lecture to present for the class in November. We're on Rodents in Mamm lab. Without question, the hardest lab of the year. I feel an ungodly amount of time will be spent in review labs for this one. Wish me well. Lot's of other stuff, but I have to get ready for school! Peace out, dirty biotches! Tao|W|P|112851695838277324|W|P|I'm a Loser, Baby|W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com