12/03/2005 12:10:00 PM|W|P|taoofcoffee|W|P|My Sirius satellite radio is picking up all the channels again! Yesssssssssssss! I take this as a very good omen that I should go to Idaho for Christmas and visit Uncle Rico, um, I mean my family. *LOL* I am really looking forward to getting out of eastern New Mexico and seeing the mountains again. Plus, I really need some snow. I came to a realization yesterday. Mind you, it's not the first time this notion crossed my mind; simply the first time I allowed the thought to come to fruition. Simply stated, I really like Statistics. I like playing with data and crunching the numbers until they resemble some tangible relationship. I think it's finally official: I am a geek! I am also getting into the Christmas spirit. I have decided to embrace the genuine meaning of Christmas and the Holidays and completely ignore the commercialistic aspect of this season. I have become completely disenchanted with the way Americans approach the Holiday season. And the buck stops here, my friends. As I have been discussing with my friends and family lately, I want to celebrate the season as it was for me as a little girl. That is, with family gatherings and our traditions meaning the most to me. I can remember each year, coming together at my Granny's house to decorate her Charlie Brown Christmas tree, make holiday ornaments and crafts, and to make Christmas candy and cookies with my Granny. What I can't remember is what I received as gifts each year. What does that mean to me? That it was never the gifts that were important; it was the wonderful times spent with my family each Holiday season. I would love to give my children memories as great as the ones that I have. I know it's fabulous to wake up Christmas morning, run to the Christmas tree and see what "Santa" has brought for you, but... ...that shouldn't be what Christmas is about. Of course, I will try to get my kids presents that they are asking for, but I will not spoil them like I have in past years. I, instead, want to give them the gift of me. When I am in school, I have almost no time to spend with my kids. In this interim between the fall and spring semesters, I want to do activities with my kids that my Granny did with me. I want them to have all of these fantastic memories when they are adults. Those are my thoughts, any way. You should get into the Holiday spirit! Let the delicious voice of Chris Isaak inspire you to dream of a White Christmas. tao|W|P|113363807992126949|W|P||W|P|taoofcoffee@gmail.com